Hourly Freelance

Easy & Reliable

Offering assistant roles for Interior Designers, Decorators, Stagers, etc.

  • Any basic administrative tasks. Correspondence, quotes & sample collections, material ordering, specifications, team meeting, training & travel.

    $30 /hr

  • Sourcing fixtures, hardware, furniture, finishes and decor. Installations & client meetings onsite. Project management. Anytime my eye for design, my knowledge & expertise is required.

    $50 /hr

Need Schematics? Let us know what you need and we’ll set you up with the perfect Partner.


I’ve got extensive experience in customer care, finish materials and quality control to keep all the details in check for whatever you throw my way. Projects big & small. You won’t ever have to say ‘no’ to another job again. No overhead.

Simple + Refined

For Entrepreneurs + Designers

Here’s some of my current Partners & our work together.